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He’s Still Our Problem: Protest through Art

          A group of performance artists demonstrated their anger toward the current political climate Monday at an East Village experimental theater club.

           “He’s Still Our President/He’s Still Our Problem” was presented on President’s day at La Mama and it tackled everything from gun control to immigration through song, monologues and other creative performances.

          “Connecting with artists who have been around longer, re-instills a sense of hope and worked like a recharge, which feels essential amidst the lulls of indignation and rage that surged last year,” said Maura Donahue, who helped organize and performed at the event.

            The show was prefaced with a performance outside the theater, where performers wearing Trump masks recited the transcript to the infamous Access Hollywood interview and handed out Tic Tacs.  Subsequent performances were angrier, more emotional and at times shocking.

          Although much of the event was an angry reaction to what is going on in the country, Nicky Paraiso, the curator and host of the event stated that it is really about unity.

          “[I hope] to create and immediate sense that we are all living through this as a community of artists and audience members,” said Paraiso.

          The tone and content of the event was influenced by the recent South Florida higschool shooting. Paraiso reflected on the shooting with his opening rendition of Bob Dylans’ protest song A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall, specifically emphasizing the lyric “I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.”

           They additionally screened the clip of Emma Gonzalez, a Parkland Shooting survivor who has become a voice of the traumatized student body.

           “I firmly believe all sectors of our society, namely artists and activists, must intentionally work together to change gun culture,” Said George Sanchez, who performed at the event. Sanchez recently completed a 24-hour “performance filibuster” about gun control.

           The proceeds from the event benefited Planned Parenthood, the program Trump has previously threatened to defund.

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