Stephanie Vesey understands she is not a scientist, in fact, she claims she “barely graduated high school.” Although her high school education ended nearly four decades ago, she is willing to stand up for the importance of scientific... more
March For Science: “If you’re not a scientist, talk to a scientist”
April 15, 2018
A group of performance artists demonstrated their anger toward the current political climate Monday at an East Village experimental theater club.
“He’s Still Our President/He’s Still Our Problem” was presented on President’s day at La Mama...more
He’s Still Our Problem: Protest through Art
February 18, 2018
“On Friday February 23rd 2018 I am going to shoot up the school.”
This was the note left on the stall of a boys’ bathrooms at Coral Gables Senior High School (CGHS), less than one week after the deadly shooting in.... more
A Threat, days after a school shooting
February 25, 2018
Babatunde Odesanya always has his mind on at least two projects at a time. To handle the resulting fatigue, he cat naps on the couch of the Brooklyn shared office space he works out of. He fell asleep two times in the 15 minutes he allotted to waking up....more